The creator of “autopictographie”, Serge Goldwicht is an artist, a specialist in methods of self-expression and has a degree in Philosophy from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
This is a name I created in 2005 to define the method and the exercises that go with it, aimed at re-awakening spontaneous drawing in adults. There is very little literature dedicated to spontaneous drawing in adults because we consider that the door has been closed for a very long time, 20 years spent experimenting with adults and children, and 99% of powerfully graphic results have proven that it is possible to escape from behind that locked door.
More than one hundred exercises based on different techniques make up the backbone of the method. One of its principal characteristics is the close working relationship between learner and teacher.
“In substance, writing and drawing are identical” (Paul Klee)
My sources of inspiration
Pierre Alechinsky, Hors Cadre, Editions Labor, Bruxelles, 1996
Pierre Alechinsky, Lettre suit, Gallimard, Paris 1992
Yves Bonnefoy, Remarques sur le dessin, Mercure de France, Paris 1993
Bernard Darras, Au commencement était l’image, Editions ESI, Paris 1996
Françoise Dolto, Psychanalyse et pédiatrie, Editions Le Seuil, Paris, 1971
Françoise Dolto, Psychanalyse et réalité, Editions Le Seuil, Paris, 1971
Jean Dubuffet, Bâtons rompus, Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1987
Paul Eluard, Donné à voir, Gallimard, Paris, 1978
Boris Eizykman, Dessiner dans la marge, Editions L’Harmattan, Paris 2004
Joëlle Gonthier, Dessin et dessein, ESF éditeur, Paris, 1990
Elise Freinet, L’enfant artiste, Editions de l’école moderne française, Cannes 1963
Tristan Garcia Fons, la Lettre du GRAPE n°49, Paris 2002
Institut du dessin & Fondazione Europa del disgno, Editions Alcatos, Lausanne, 2000.
Fanchette Lefebure,Claude Van den Broek d’Obrenan, Le trait en graphologie, Edition Masson, Paris 1989
Suzanne Lemerise, Du dessin aux arts plastiques, Presses universitaires du Québec, 2006
Erwin Panofsky, Idea, Editions Gallimard, Paris 1989
Madeleine Rambert, La vie affective et morale de l’enfant, Editions Delachaux-Niestlé, Neufchâtel-Paris 1945
Ernst Röttger et Dieter Klante, Point et ligne, Dessain et Tolra, Paris 1982
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile ou de l’éducation, Editions Garnier, Paris 1971
Jean Ruch, Techniques éducatives, Editions de l’imprimerie à l’école, Saint-Paul 1932
Arno Stern et Pierre Duquet, Du dessin spontané aux techniques graphiques, Editions Delachaux-Niestlé, Neufchâtel-Paris 1958
Winnicott en quatre squiggles, Françoise Duparc, Editions In Press, Paris 2005
D.W. Winnicott , Jeu et réalité l’espace potentiel, Gallimard, 1975